Saturday, July 27, 2019

The development of Virtual Communities is influenced more by theories, Essay

The development of Virtual Communities is influenced more by theories, business models and social factors rather than by technology. True or false - Essay Example It is a fact that these technological regimes will keep on ruling the roost and continue to make changes which will in essence influence the different theories, business models and social factors and not the other way round. A lot of these changes and developments are dependent on the technological undertakings more than anything else and quite rightly so. [Renninger & Schumar, 2005] Internet has become a common name in households of today and imperatively its uses have increased drastically. It has become a major commercial as well as a consumer track for public leading them towards the electronic information resources available. A person would rather prefer to visit a web portal online than going to a nearby store to inquire about the merchandise products of his choice or interest. This invention is no more a plot for researchers to communicate and exchange information within their own selves, but also seeks access from the innumerous chunks of available data online or from the ever-accessible super computers placed at offshore sites. With the addition of newer innovations like Internet 2 and Abilene in the same field the competition to grasp the ‘cash cow’ state in business markets, technically speaking, has risen beyond any preset levels. Thus technology has a very direct and long lasting effect on the way data is being transferred amongst users worldwide, no matter whatever capacity this data has come about. Technology has had its say within the related contexts as Internet has made its mark over a period of time and the results are ostensible in front of one and all. The urge to move ahead is there and will continue to increase in the near future. In the past, the transactions and the business carried out with the Internet was just a new way for the commoner to access all the information he may so have wanted whilst sitting in his lounge room. But of late, this comfort has become a necessity without which the business

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